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The badass tutorial for creating makefiles!

Tutorial 5: pattern matching and functions

Now its time to go into the useful stuff. This tutorial requires more files in order to understand how it works.

That means we need to change some things...

your folder name




First we start with the c-files:


/* Simple C-program */
#include <stdio.h>

//Header to the function from foo.c
int foo(int,int);

int main()
	return 0;


int foo(int a,int b)
	return a+b;

Change the contents of the makefile to this:

#Another simple makefile.

CC = gcc
PROGRAM = prog

SRCS = $(wildcard ./*.c)

#simplified version of: $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCS))
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)

all: $(PROGRAM)

	$(CC) $^ -o $@

%.o: %.c
	$(CC) $< -c -o $@

run: all
	rm $(OBJS)
	echo $*

As with $@ and $<, $^ and $* works similarly

To test $* I made a test just for that. Try to run for example:

make hello_im_testing_this.print

It should return:

echo hello_im_testing_this

Before we get into how %.o: %.c is working we need to check the line with: SRCS = $(wildcard ./*.c). $(something var1,var2) is a built-in function, and the wildcard function communicates with the outside world and tries to find all files matching a certain pattern. In this case it searches for files in this directory ending with .c. This means that it should find prog.c and foo.c. As with bashscript it will return the value in a array, or:

prog.c foo.c

The next value will use another common makefile function: patsubst, but this is the lazy version. This line will change all .c files in the array to .o. Now we have a fresh variable $(OBJS) with:

prog.o foo.o

Time to run it

So when we run make run it should be executed in this order:

Instead of %.o:%.c its common to write .c.o:, which does pretty much the same. However i recommend to use %.o:%.c because its usable for other languages, which u may not know about, such as %.html:%.php for example (even if its possible to make your own .php.html:,although more complicated to do).

See also:

Last modified: 13 September 2016 22:46:30. | CaF2 © (All rights reserved)